08 September 2008

The Fortune Cookie Bacio

"Friends are those rare people who ask how you are and then wait to hear the answer."


susananda said...

So how are you? :)

susananda said...

I'm waiting!

chitta vritti said...

oh, you make me smile Susananda, that may be one of the best comments i've ever gotten :)

it felt like such a coincidence when i got that 'fortune' in my Bacio when having coffee at our favorite place with Che. i had to share it!

btw, i really like your profile pic!

susananda said...

Excellent, a smile!
Thanks, I like this pic too, another airplane one but with more sun and less clouds. Going to put a bigger version on my next post :)

susananda said...

Also, that is a very good ideea, putting a fortune in a tasty chocolate instead of those crunchy cookies!

ashtanga en cevennes said...

cou cou Chitta! I don't have internet at home because of moving day, which is coming up this weekend. I've snuck off to Philippe's school after hours to use the secretary's computer! Francetelecom has already shut everything down at our house. They are turds. (Insisting on a ten day delay between shutting the services down in one apartment and turning them on in the next. Ah, les gaulois. Not customer service oriented, but what are you going to do...)

Just wanted to check in and say Smooch! Chin up, darling. xo on pense à toi...

Anonymous said...

Joy, what are you going to do! I think I would go bananas ten days without internet. My name is Anna and I am addicted to cyberspace?

I LOVE that fortune! And yes, so true!

xxxx everyone!

Anonymous said...

Sweet bumblebee photo! I didn't notice it yesterday.

I just want to point out that you have Bumblebee and I have a shiba and rotating shoes. There is some adjective that should be ascribed to this but I'm not sure what it is....

Hope you're having a great day! I'm going (hold your breath) to practice now.

chitta vritti said...

hi, my name is Chitta and i'm a cyberspace addict? LOL! Anna, we should set up meetings ;-)

Joy - what ARE you going to do? we'll miss you!!! good luck with the move! hope everything runs smoothly :)

Susan, a fortune in a tasty chocolate is waaaaay much nicer, yum!

hope everyone are having a good day and a great week! know that i'm with you all even if i'm not very talkative right now, am a bit like a lurker these days... but hangin' in there.

<3 <3 <3 to you all!

(Anna, i'm not sure i get what you mean by "there is some adjective that should be ascribed to this but I'm not sure what it is...."?)

Arturo said...

or who know how you really are and still stick around...

cheers, Arturo