17 August 2008

A day in the life of a happy yogi

06.30 wake up, take a long, warm shower and get dressed

06.56 go to the shala

07.00 get on the mat

~08.30 savasana

08.45 have breakfast: grape fruit, buckwheat porridge filled with nuts, fruit, flaxseeds and topped with cinnamon, tea and/or coffee

11.00 technique class, philosophy and chanting with Morning Star
(~12.30 short brake for fruit and drinks)

14.00 lunch

afternoon - depending on the weather - hang out with other yogis, read, take a trip to local sights, sleep

18.30 dinner


20.30 meditation

22.00 go to bed


(0v0) said...


(0v0) said...

Ok, this is silly but I have to say that I may likely have money some day, not a lot of it, but enough for a travel budget.

Are owl allowed at yoga camp or will I need to brush up on my Swedish?

ashtanga en cevennes said...

Oh, Chitta! Oh I wish I could come to yoga camp, too!!! It is soooo beautiful. So serene.

I guess they probably don't speak English, huh? I'll need to brush up, too. ;)

alfia said...

Looks and sounds great! I am happy you are happy! :)

chitta vritti said...

oh, i wish everyone could go to yoga camp!!! it's the most heavenly vacation you could ever treat yourself with :) it's absolutely impossible to be unhappy there.

if there is anything to brush up (Owl, you make me curious, is there?), i'd say it could never hurt to do so. but i'm also sure that owls, as well as any other beautiful creatures, are allowed and very welcome. swedes are good at english, although, i'm more uncertain about third series skills...

(0v0) said...

C'mon people. Anusara has deep philosophical roots.



They even have their own philosopher. Can ashtanga say that? Let's open our hearts and find out.

Oh wait, I just remembered why I prefer yoga aged, imported, and well seasoned. Call it a commodity if you must, but can we sort of agree that all yoga is not equal and interchangeable? If it ever got fully commoditized, like oil or wheat or steel beams or a YW flow class, ohhhh godhelpus.

(0v0) said...

Chitta, ha! I left my comment for CP here! Sorry!

But, the previous comment is about as good as my Swedish gets. I can go to IKEA and practice a little bit...

susananda said...

MMM... lovely sunset.

chitta vritti said...

ha ha! don't worry, Owl, i feel kinda honored to get such a comment on my blog. since there will probably never be a post to fit it here anyway, i'll take what i can get :) funny though, while reading your comment i thought 'wow, how is she going to make the connection between THAT discussion and my post?'.

anyway, ikea is a good start :) and you can always listen to swedish web radio. i can also recommend the online dictionary tyda (which means solve or interpret).

Anonymous said...

Oh, so very beautiful and peaceful and serene, like you! I can understand why you label it post-yoga bliss.

The vinyasa studio I take classes at sometimes is running a couple of retreats over the next year and I am becoming seriously tempted....

chitta vritti said...

Anna, you should be tempted :) i keep repeating myself, but seriously, it is the best treat ever! if the retreat in question appeals to you, go girl, just go!

LI Ashtangini said...

Oh, yoga camp looks lovely! You lucky lucky girl!

eeyore said...

i REALLY want to be there right about now, furreally. it would be perfect.

chitta vritti said...

it would be perfect, Eeyore. next year we will all have to go!!! FURreally.

ashtanga en cevennes said...

What would your teacher say about all the international students there, forcing everyone to speak English...? ;)

chitta vritti said...

Joy, you have a good point, of course. however, it's not like everyone would be forced to speak english all the time! and seriously, like you yourself told me when i was going to paris, english is the language in which ashtanga is taught anyway, so everyone knows it. if a few of you, or even only one, is actually considering to come here, i'm absolutely positive that we can work it out so that everyone can enjoy and have a great time. FURactualies :)

ashtanga en cevennes said...


I would loooove it...