28 July 2008

Fucking neighbors

I live in an apartment building, facing the back yard and another similar building. Almost every sound of what's going on reverberates and is heard if you have a window open or sit on the balcony. For instance, if the guy opposite to me is on the phone, I can hear it.

It's a beautiful serene and quite night and I could hear the blackbird singing at twilight. Maybe people are exhibitionists and like the fact that others can take part of what they're doing, but this, I don't think I've ever experienced. A couple on the top floor in the opposite building just fucked. With their balcony doors wide open.

23 July 2008

Did I mention I'm on vacation?

Obviously, time off from work means blog slacking? I've been visiting with my family in Skåne. Seriously, I thought the internet connection would be better and that I would have all the time in the world. Ha! It's been very intense days and surfing the internet has been a bit nostalgic, like in the good old days on a 56.6 kb modem.

I've had some issues with parts of my family in the past. Actually, I still have, but it's easier these days to ignore it and be thankful for what I do have with them. It's quite special to be together this much for several days. Somehow, these people are the ones I can always be myself around, and most importantly, they are the people I care most about in the whole wide world. They will always be there, no matter what. Cousins and second cousins may seem a bit far away. But really, when we are all together like this, three generations, you realize how important family is.

It's also at times like this I miss my grandmother the most. On the other hand, it's fantastic to see that life has moved on even though she's no longer among us. We're doing good, we take care of each other, we enjoy each others company and all the kids love to get together. They fool around and play all the time. The older ones take care of the younger ones, no matter who's sister or brother it is. Just the same way as when I was a kid, growing up with my cousins.

Centre of attention, though, was of course Bumblebee. She's charming everyone and seems to be safe and snug in the arms of almost anyone. It's been such a delight to spend so much time with her.

Another center of attention, as always in my family, is good food. How can one family end up with so many good cooks and bakers? Everyone seem to have their specialty. At lunches and dinners, we all bring something to the table. Like this dessert. Yum!

WTF, I might as well turn this into a photo blog instead ;-)

11 July 2008

Reluctant posting

I know I haven't been a very active cyber shala mate this last week... Work has been sucking out most of my energy for the last couple of weeks. Since I'm so annoyed about my work situation and it seeps into every other part of my life, it feels like I haven't got many positive thoughts about anything right now. I don't want to appear as a whiner and I have few other things to write about. Therefore, very low-key in posting and commenting at this point. Sorry! Don't know whether this post will turn out on a more positive note, but hell, I'll give it a try.

Due to the Paris trip I didn't have a decent practice for over a week. My left shoulder broke down after long days and a bad bed (and no practice?) in Paris and here the shala is closed Friday through Sunday in the summertime. I did only some sun sals and a bit stretching last weekend. On Tuesday I got to see my wondrous body worker which was really great! Helped to relieve some of the pain in shoulder and between shoulder blades :) I'll see her again at yoga camp in August.

Isn't that at terrific combination? Daily practice for a week (uhm, six days) with Morning Star, in a beautiful place, fantastic nutritious food (Morning Star is a Cooking Goddess!), body worker available, and on top of that, Gemini will be there too, assisting as well as offering acupuncture. That week will be the prime of my vacation. I'm so much looking forward to it!

Anyway, this week with Mercury has been good, though, I been cautious and not doing full practice every day. We've been working a lot with opening chest (thorax?) and strengthening abs. It's funny, at my other (old?) shala, they are all against using props and modifications in order to build strength or awareness in different poses. Mercury on the other hand, who is authorized from Mysore (which they are not at my other shala), has no problems at all using different props and methods to help you open certain things in your body or build awareness. She's very caring and considerate, and at the same time she make's you work your butt off. She's now on her way to Mysore for Guruji's 93 year celebration! Hope she will have a wonderful time, even though I'll miss her. However, it's only for a few weeks and there will be a very good sub at the shala, so i'm gonna be ok. She'll be back when I come home from yoga camp.

This morning, almost asleep while doing the morning poop, i had a huge yawn and BAM! something snapped in the back of my neck. The immediate pain went away pretty quickly, but there was still an achy stiffness down between my shoulder blades. Luckily, the first thing I was going to do this morning was a visit with the chiro! She adjusted my neck and gave me a little massage, besides treating the shoulder and putting on new tape. Feels better now, but still a bit stiff. I need to move around a bit, not just sit here... Any suggestions on how to walk and read at the same time? Oups, and I need to get myself some lunch as well, I'm starving...

05 July 2008

There are Shibas in Paris!

Home again, and I'm completely worn out, mentally as well as physically. It's been a very intense week with a busy schedule at the conference. Many interesting sessions, a lot of people to talk to and make connections with (mostly Americans! got to practice my verbal English quite a bit :). My closest colleague and I now have a lot of ideas about what we'd like to focus on in our work for the coming year or so. (IF I stay that is! I AM looking for a new job, but it could take a while and I need to make the best of my time as long as I'm still there. I got some good input at the conference and my job search can definitely benefit from it as well.)

The conference was held at one of the universities in Paris. It's a really cool building. Architecturally it reminds a lot of my own workplace, but the French are definitely more daring. Lots of details painted in luminous colors and and other intriguing decorations.

Spent the rest of the time with my colleagues who are really a lot of fun to be with. We had a great time together :) I think it's a good thing to be able to have fun besides the work we do, just being ourselves and playing around.

We wandered the streets of Paris, looked at some of the typical Paris sights and were amazed by all the different kinds of shops that are to be found in the small, winding streets. We ate at local restaurants or tried out the food stands we came across. Mostly galettes, crepes and different sandwiches. In the mornings we grabbed a coffee in some bar and bought croissants and pain au chocolat at the 'boulangerie'. YUM!

Unfortunately the only Mysore class at Caroline Boulinguez' studio in 4th while I was there was at the same time as the conference reception! And my hotel room was small as shoebox. Doing practice there was completely out of the question. When getting out of bed I could almost step right into the bathroom. So, no practice in Paris...

I probably should've planned better ahead and been more focused on which sessions to go to and maybe then I would have been able to get more time to myself. Anyway, I've had a great time so it doesn't really matter. Shopping and practice were the two things I didn't really get to do and I can live with that. Did a lot of window shopping though, when we walked around the city. Can't say I had any particular things I wanted to shop just because it's in Paris. Or should I say, the things I'd want to buy were so expensive and I don't think it would've been worth it. I don't need more stuff as it is.

Instead I just enjoyed the city. I love walking around, looking at the architecture and all the details in the surroundings that differ from what I'm used to. Listen to all the sounds and the noise, and the FRENCH! I don't understand much, but I love the language, listening to people talking is awesome! Although, I'm amazed how well you get around speaking English nowadays. When I visited last, 18 years ago, if you'd ask something in English the French would just look at you like you were an oddball and then ignore you. Now people gladly spoke English or at least tried to communicate. I do like to adapt the usual phrases and try to speak a few words. I think, since I do know a little French, I could do the effort and also - it's fun :) Lots of s'ill vous plait, merci beaucoup, aujourd'hui and au revoire in other words.

We also got to take the Metro several times, which is an adventure in itself. The Paris Metro is pretty awesome with all it's different crossing lines, connected by stairs and passages all over the place, often decorated with tiles covering the arched lanes. Sometimes VERY crowded carriages, with lots of smells.

Not only were you all with me in spirit, some of you actually appeared physically! Even though this is not a lioness, I immediately thought of Annabella when we came across this proud, noble lion in a street crossing.

And Owl is alive and well at a book store near Saint Michel!

I didn't see any Shiba Inus for myself, but a guy I spoke to one evening, when a bunch of us from the conference went to a restaurant on Bd. Pasteur, almost immediately told me he had seen one, when we started talking about all the dogs in Paris. He was very excited about it and it made me feel safe and happy to know there are Shibas in Paris :)

02 July 2008

Can I stay? Please?

It's hot and today it's raining (thank God!). Had lots and lots of croissants and cafe crème :) Some brie, galettes and omeletts too. Paris is lovely, so many visual impressions, different smells (not always delightful!) and sounds that I'm not used to. So exciting!