04 August 2008

I ran away with the circus!

Have been visiting with my friends the Circus Family for a couple of days. We've had lovely days at their summer house, a fantastic place where one can really relax and just be together. And they are a fantastic family to be a part of for a while :)

Circus Dad and I studied at the university together more than ten years ago. Since then he got married to Juggler Princess and moved back to his hometown a bit south of Stockholm. They had their second son, Smootchie, four months ago. He's a very content baby and so easy to have around, although, a baby is always a baby. It's cool to see another baby at the same developmental stage as Bumblebee was just a couple of months ago.

Smootchie's older brother, Calvin, is Prince Charming and a real cutie, but he is also a handful! I think I'll have make him a t-shirt that says 'I want!'. He's very determined ;-)

And everywhere you go, the Circus dog, Hobbes, follows you around. I think he might be the sweetest dog I ever met! We've gone for long walks in the woods. Every morning, before getting up, he came and snuzzled with me in my bed. And when you sit on a chair he comes and puts his little head in your lap or between your knees and looks at you with his big, cute eyes.

Calvin and Hobbes chasing bubbles

The Circus tent
Juggler Princess, Calvin and his best friend takes a swim in the pool
More animals at the Circus (bats! click image to enlarge)

The observant reader probably noticed I haven't mentioned yoga for a while. That's simply because I decided my practice is also on vacation :) Instead of feeling guilty for not practicing, I just took a few weeks off. Next week I'm going to yoga camp and I will use this week to slowly get back into my practice. Will be sore, that's for sure.


Liz said...

Your photos really made me smile... thanks, they're so fun! Looks like a great day. What am I saying, of course it was a great day- there were giant bubbles!

eeyore said...

i want to be a circus family, too! smootchie's probably my favorite name ever. after india, i'm moving to sweden.

ashtanga en cevennes said...

Me too! Chitta you take some great photos. I heart this post veddy much.

Be gentle with yourself this week!

eeyore said...

commune chez chiita!

eeyore said...

chitta :)

chitta vritti said...

thanks everyone!

Liz and Joy, i'm smiling too! we did have some great fun. giant bubbles makes you happy don't they?! :)

yes Eeyore! come join the circus family with me!!! i think we need a donkey.

Anonymous said...

Chitta, I truly think that you are experiencing real magic, with a miracle or two thrown in!

What unbridled joy.

Wishing you FUN.

Friends are often more important than practice, except when friendship IS the practice.

alfia said...

Hi, CV:

Fabulous pictures! I loved the bubbles. And babies. And dogs!

I noticed that yoga feels delicious after a break. Don't make the break too long, though! :)

chitta vritti said...

hi Alfia! thank you!

i've noticed the same thing, it's like your body is screaming for yoga when you've been away from it for a while! although, lately (as in the last couple of months) even a short brake has been hard for me. i don't know what up with that? but don't worry, brake is over as from today. i did a gentle practice this morning and it felt pretty good :) not as juicy as it used to, but good nevertheless!

Anna, that unbridled joy IS a true miracle to be a part of! friends, magic, fun, mmmmm :) thank you dearest!

susananda said...

Hi chitta! Just catching up with you (ought to be packing etc but..). And what lovely photos you have! So summery, your blog. Thank you. Enjoy yoga camp!!! x

(0v0) said...

good bubbles!!!!

chitta vritti said...

hi Susan! thanks!
tell me about it... i know all about procrastination ;-) have a fantastic trip! i will enjoy mine :)

booboo said...

best bubbles ever!

chitta vritti said...

blogger must've gotten the hiccups lately? comments seem to work stochastically these days...

anyway, what i was going to say was,
yea, great bubbles :) Eeyore, we can shower in them!