02 August 2008

Happy Birthday Bella Anna!

Vi e' så glada ida'
att du har födelseda'
att du e' född just ida'
Hurra hurra! HURRA HURRA!!! *)

Sweet darling Anna, I wish you an amazing, fabulous birthday, filled with snuzzles, shibas and cupcakes! Today is the beginning of a wonderful year in your life. Remember, you're the hero in your own story :-D


Sunshine-y hugs, lots of love and glittering pazzels over the miles!



*) This is Grodan Boll's birthday song, not the most commonly sung on birthdays. Though, among my friends it is tradition to sing this one :) Basically, it says we're happy today that it's your birthday and that this is the day you were born!


Anonymous said...

Oh Chitta, thank you so very, very much! This is beautiful. The song, the cupcakes, the violets, and you.


This makes me so happy!


p.s., I DID see a shiba today.

eeyore said...

birthday shibas! happy birthday to anna:)

chitta vritti said...

yay! a shiba, i KNEW it!

Eeyore, you're here!!!! isn't that the best birthday gift of all?!

:) :) :) :) :)

booboo said...


Anonymous said...

yes yes! Shibas and wonderful friends.

I love this post! HUGS! xxxxxxxx