11 September 2008

Silly Chitta?

Is it alright for someone how's supposed to be kind of depressed to make silly stuff like these? Well, I couldn't resist :) Make your own at www.yearbookyourself.com


Anonymous said...

That is hilarious!

My mother had that flip hairdo.

chitta vritti said...

Anna, i laughed out loud for the whole time while doing the pictures. you have to try it, it IS hilarious :)

and my dad had those sideburns!

(0v0) said...

Oh my gosh. Ok, fashion is ridiculous. Scary to imagine how ridiculous our present self-presentations will look in 30 or 50 years.

Also, yes. It is ok for someone who is supposed to be sort of depressed...

Maybe you could also take to eating squishy plastic trucks, like bumbles seems to be doing?

susananda said...

LOL! Glad you are doing things to cheer yourself up :) xo

ashtanga en cevennes said...

Ah ha haha! So cute and funny.

Chitta I've stolen away to Philippe's office again, after hours, to check up on the yoga peeps. How are you doing, darling?

chitta vritti said...

Joy, sweet Joy :) i love that you can't stay away from us :) how is your move coming along??? are you in the new place now?

Owl, that squishy plastic truck is one of Bumbles favorites and it really seems to make her happy, so what you're suggesting is probably a very good idea even though i'd have to get my own truck... but right now i just ate what might've been one of the most delicious chocolate cakes EVER! that made me really happy.

hi Susan! thank you, i'm doing my best, ha ha! and i'm so glad you're back in your practice groove again :)

Anna, how was dc?

oh, and i'm hanging in there! help is on the way. well, it will take time and some hard work to sort everything out, but i'm getting all the help a girl could ever wish for. i'll write more as soon as i know more.

happy moon day everyone!
