Obviously, time off from work means blog slacking? I've been visiting with my family in
Skåne. Seriously, I thought the internet connection would be better and that I would have all the time in the world. Ha! It's been very intense days and surfing the internet has been a bit nostalgic, like in the good old days on a 56.6 kb modem.
I've had some issues with parts of my family in the past. Actually, I still have, but it's easier these days to ignore it and be thankful for what I do have with them. It's quite special to be together this much for several days. Somehow, these people are the ones I can always be myself around, and most importantly, they are the people I care most about in the whole wide world. They will always be there, no matter what. Cousins and second cousins may seem a bit far away. But really, when we are all together like this, three generations, you realize how important family is.

It's also at times like this I miss my grandmother the most. On the other hand, it's fantastic to see that life has moved on even though she's no longer among us. We're doing good, we take care of each other, we enjoy each others company and all the kids love to get together. They fool around and play all the time. The older ones take care of the younger ones, no matter who's sister or brother it is. Just the same way as when I was a kid, growing up with my cousins.

Centre of attention, though, was of course Bumblebee. She's charming everyone and seems to be safe and snug in the arms of almost anyone. It's been such a delight to spend so much time with her.

Another center of attention, as always in my family, is good food. How can one family end up with so many good cooks and bakers? Everyone seem to have their specialty. At lunches and dinners, we all bring something to the table. Like this dessert. Yum!

WTF, I might as well turn this into a photo blog instead ;-)
Bumblebee gets a lot of mileage out of her cuteness.
The berries look great on that dessert. The rest makes my stomach rumble.
Your photos are beautiful- I enjoyed looking at them! I'm all for photo blogs. I love the photo on the stairs- so sweet and really captured a nice moment. The dessert one is hilarious. Nice job with the "before" and "after"! Families are hard... sometimes better enjoyed in photos. ha.
I feel like I am there! All these wonderful photographs online these days, all I can manage to put up are metrosexual lions.
I'll repeat, I'm so not a baby person, but Bumblebee is simply adorable. Wishing you a most wonderful fabulous time! Hugs from Manhattan!
you know what, Carl? the berries WERE the best part of it, especially the raspberries, along with the homemade chocolate sauce (of course! you know me by now, right? :)
hi Liz, thank you! i also love it when people post pics on their blogs, i've enjoyed yours too. sometimes that cliché is really true: a picture says more than a thousand words.
and yeah, i thought that was pretty funny, she really looks more than satiated in the second one!
Anna, do you have a camera? if not, get a small, simple one and just shoot! 'practice and all is coming' applies here too :)
and now that you're private, maybe you'd dare put some up? i'd love to see you in that dress! and you could take pics of all the shibas you meet!!!! just think of it :)
I was thinking I could do that... we took a couple of pix at the wedding but I don't like how I look. I'm sure Katie (Ashtangi) and I will take pictures this weekend and I can post them, you can see what we both look like! : )
pleeease do!
"Photo blog, WTF?"
Don't hesitate, dear.
Bumble's nose and mouth have this perfect relationship to each other. Like they are always in a perfect dialogue of cuteness. Always pointing to each other, kind of amplifying the whole adorableness many times over.
"Times like these" you forget the issues with the family. Thankfully, by "these" you mean beautiful and good times. So many families don't drop know how to bracket the issues except in really bad times.
I swear the internet has increased the cuteness quotient in my life to almost unbearable levels.
Between Cranky's Foofoo, Henry the Cat, Joy in an apron, Eeyore in funny hats, Venkatesh in a post-practice glow, and Bumble in general...
damn, you people are making me lose my edge.
LOL! Owl, i think this cuteness is making you sharpen your edge! being able to see bonny and wit in the world, as you are, is a prerequisite to investigate the REALLY ridiculous stuff.
Owls can never lose their edge, it's inherent!
I will. I'm not photogenic at all, so we've said we're just going to keep taking pictures, and if we take 20 photos of ourselves together, in one of them we'll BOTH look pretty!
Happy Thursday - hope you are having a wonderful, warm, joy-filled day.
i'm sure you'll get a lot of pretty pics of the both of you!
i hate pics of myself and i don't think i'm photogenic. although, i've come to realize that others appreciate them so i'm trying to let go of it. remember? letting go is tremendous :)
oh, i had a wonderful day! sunny and lots of Bumbles :)
and Owl, i just read your comment again and came to think of what you said before, that you don't consider yourself good with visual. i have to contradict you on that one! i've seldom met someone with such a sharp eye as you, and also with the rare ability to express the subtle nuances in what you see. that's what i'd call a visual person.
hope you're all having a splendid day too!
Oh. Wow.
Thank you.
Yes, really. Owl's flickr is a beautiful thing.
Chitta, that baby is so cute she's giving me a fever. And the only prescription is... More Bumblebee!!!
I like this photoblog idea. I'm so lusting after a camera. A real one.
mwah, smooches!
Chitta, this reminds me... do you know a guy (I think he's from Stockholm) who recently spent a month in Southern California? Came for Tim Miller's TT but also remained some extra time? I'd like to be in touch but don't recall his name.
smooches right back at ya, sweetheart!
a real camera is nice! i love my little ixus, though. suits me very well not to have a lot of possibilities for fine tuning.
Owl, i can't think of anyone i know that might fit the description. but i'll ask around. not so many guys here do ashtanga, and even fewer, i think, are so serious they would go to TT in Calif. if he's from Stockholm i should be able to find out his name. might take a while though. most of the ones to ask are out of town right now. i can email you when/if i have any news?
I'm not sure if this is worth a full-on investigation, but if you do run in to him, yes, send along the news. It's just that I remembered I let him take some asana photos of me a month or two ago and he said he'd send them my way but I have not heard back from him. Am just curious to see them... but maybe it would freak me out anyway. :)
p.s. Have a really good weekend...
of course you like to see those pics! we all like to be freaked out once in a while :) and this is no big deal at all. no worries, i wont instigate a wide-ranging search party ;-) just ask a few people.
you have a nice weekend too :)
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