08 June 2008

Fucking hard

Too lazy to get out of bed and get to the shala this morning... But I did self practice! And I didn't run away from the mat once! Alright, once... to turn of the dish washer so that I wouldn't have to listen to the finishing alarm for the rest of my practice.

It was a pretty stiff practice and I didn't do it all. Instead I stayed longer in most poses and tried hard to focus on all the details that Gabi helped me with. It's FUCKING HARD when there is not a teacher present to check that you're actually doing it right. Well, practice and all is coming. At least so I've heard :)

It's fascinating (and inspiring!) to read the observations of all the more advanced ashtangis (almost everyone seem to be more advanced than me). Nevertheless I have no desire to get more poses or even dream of moving to 2nd. I have my hands full with what I got. And that's not only the poses. It's everything surrounding the practice itself. Being disciplined about routines, getting enough sleep, eat regularly and nutritious and all that. Nice to know though, I'm not alone in those struggles!


Anonymous said...

One of the things I love about this community is the knowledge that we are never alone, and we share so many of the same joys, frustrations, etc., no matter where in the practice we are!

I think it's nice that you're content with your practice now, as is. Means you're really present there. It's all good.

Self-practice can be challenging. You got on the mat. I do believe that means you get gold stars.

: )

eeyore said...

you are never alone, snoopy is always there:)

chitta vritti said...

awww, you're both too sweet! gold stars? me?

and snoopy is here! yay :)

chitta vritti said...

Anna, i so agree with you! when i started out reading ashtanga blogs, i kinda skipped the ones that weren't addressing the practice explicitly. but after a while i started to see that people write about the everyday life as ashtangis and that it's not ONLY asana that we share. made a huge difference to me, and now here i am. thank you for being here too.


ashtanga en cevennes said...

Yes, yes!

I'm going to have to self-practice 4 days this week, because my teacher isn't going to be opening the shala at 6am again until next week. Tuesday night I can do a Mysore practice at the shala, and Thursday evening there's a late led primary that i should be able to get to, but that will be it for shala-time. Self practice at home is hard. I feel ya, flicka.

chitta vritti said...

hehe, it's been a looong time since anyone called me 'flicka', it's more like 'tant' nowadays ;)

i'll be sending you beams of supportive thoughts over the next week! you can do it :)

Anonymous said...

It's difficult yes but I have also had alchemic, touch the universe kinds of practices in my living room. Ah, it's all good. Sometimes I think it's how I approach it... "I HAVE TO practice today at home, ugh, I don't want to" versus "let me practice now, I feel good, it's going to be awesome."

I don't know, sometimes it works, sometimes not. : )

Eeyore, Snoopy is a very busy basset.

eeyore said...

hi flicka!, hi j.s!, anna, snoopy's collar is getting too tight for him! and he's on the last notch, or whatever. he needs to be busy:)

Anonymous said...

oooh, sweet Snoopy. He has been spending too much time snacking with Scout. I swear I never see her eating much? How is she so huge? Snoopy is bringing her cupcakes, I think, in attempt to woo her?

Chitta it is HOT here and I do not want to take this class tonight, mew.
(is it OK if I whine on your blog?)

chitta vritti said...

hi pojke! hi flickor!

you're welcome to whine on my blog Anna! whine all you want and we'll make you feel better :)

it's HOT here too, but maybe not as hot? my apartment faces west and when i got home this evening it was like a sauna in here! i did a whole lot of sun sals, and it was dripping, even with all the windows open. Anna, you're excused to take it VERY easy! remember - everyone else, including teacher, will also be hot :) drink lots of water in advance. it will be cooler in the evening!

and yes, i agree, approach is so totally important! i've found that some of my most rewarding practices have been the ones i didn't expect anything at all from. instead i had the intention to let myself off the hook completely in terms of effort. i'd tell myself i'd only have to do the sun sals, and then just proceeded to standing, and then woops! did it all and it was awesome :)

chitta vritti said...

just saying goodnight to you all, sweet peeps :)

(sheesh, get to bed already!)

tomorrow i'm going SAILING and wont be here. have a fantastic day everyone!


Anonymous said...

Ohhhh have a most wonderful time! Enjoy! Take pictures! HAVE FUN!

I'm going to go and take it easy... will report back!

eeyore said...

hotness everywheres! meowef

ashtanga en cevennes said...

Hope you're having a LOVELY day sailing! Woot!