02 June 2008

Monday madness and food anguish

Meetings, meetings and more meetings. Some planning and preparing for tomorrow's workshop and somewhere in-between I'm supposed to have lunch?

Almost every day I think to myself I should really, really start bringing a lunch box. The supply of good, varied and nutritious food around where I work is just appalling! (i.e. non-existing) Today I had to go to three different places in my search for something I don't usually have. Finally ended up at one of the usual restaurants and got a very unexciting but sufficient salad with pasta and shrimp.

I've seen this wonderful cookbook by a woman who caters really good lunch to some cafés in the city. It's too expensive to have them deliver to where I work, so if I could cook myself at home and bring to work, that would be fabulous! I'm getting the book :)


Anonymous said...

I want for lunch what is in your picture! That looks very yummy.

I have the same problem as you do, getting lunch near my office. Have taken to bringing things as often as possible.

ashtanga en cevennes said...

Hmmm. I couldn't get out for lunch today and am currently gnawing on my second big triangle-hunk of Toblerone white chocolate that someone left in the refridgerator.

I usually hate white chocolate (what even *is* it?), but this isn't bad. Still! I practice tonight and I'd better find some fuel beforehand...

Anonymous said...

Toblerone is good...

I'm on this stupid diet (aka lifestyle change) where I am supposed to be eating more natural wholesome foods and alas, my milk chocolate is not on the list. (Apparently dark chocolate is good b/c it has all the cacao.)

I like the Lindt white chocolate truffles. Not sure what white chocolate is, but if it's good quality can be quite the tasty treat.

chitta vritti said...

yikes! JS, i hope you find that fuel! i love toblerone, but i've heard one cannot live on that alone, especially not before practice...

Anna, dark chocolate is GOOD for you :) can't say i get very excited over white choc either.

the pic is from that caterers website. I agree, it looks yummy! they really do have the best food :) occasionally, when i work from home, i go to a nearby café that carries their lunch boxes and man! do i feel good when i eat it! Anna, i'll get the book and i can pass on some recipes. this food should fit well into your new lifestyle :)

alfia said...

You should see a lunch box I am carrying around! All that healthy food is low-calorie, so I have to bring a lot, just to get the necessary 1800. As one of my neighbors said "For a woman on a diet, you eat surprisingly a lot". On my way home the lunch box is making a lot of noises because of multiple empty food containers. :D

Anonymous said...

I'd love that, thanks!

I wish I liked dark chocolate.

I have the eats now. Am eating for Manhattan, as V would say.

V said...

I'm stuffing my face for England right now as we speak. Wish I got my act together and did something about this emotional eating.

Carl said...

Anna, white chocolate is made with cocoa butter instead of cocoa. And I think all white chocolate is made with milk, but I'm not certain on this point.

That salad does look tasty!

eeyore said...

i've seen some raw-food white chocolate with no dairy in it. looked sketchy, though. just cocoa butter, cane juice, i can't remember what else?

Anonymous said...

Carl I think you are right.

My nutritionist is NOT a fan of the dairy products!

Is that a basset I see?