06 June 2008

Meme of five

I was tagged by Yogamum, since I hated the movie 'Titanic'!
The rules:
1. Post the rules of the game at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post, the player then tags five people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them to read the player’s blog.
4. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answer.

What were you doing five years ago?
Working on the job I then had had for one year, and finally starting to get the hang of it :) Living with xbf and I think we must've been like in the middle of one of all the renovation projects that was going on for years and years in the house we lived in. We had lots of problems with the contractors and spent a lot of time and energy arguing with them... I'm so glad those days are over!

What are five things on your to-do list for today?

1) Have late lunch with my family (everyone who isn't living here is visiting for the graduation yesterday and staying today since it is our national day)
2) Kiss and cuddle Bumblebee
3) Do some laundry
4) Enjoy the day
5) Can't think of anything else on to-do list :)

What are five snacks you enjoy?
1) Chocolate
2) Walnuts
3) Dried apricots
4) Pretzels
5) Cheese with figs marmalade, preferably gruyère, stilton, sharp cheddar, tallegio or brie

What are five things you would do if you were a billionaire?
1) Buy back my grandmothers house that we had to sell when she passed away 15 years ago
2) Take my family traveling
3) Invest so that I could stop working a normal day job and do whatever I want to
4) Create a yoga space combined light therapy room where I and the likes of me could do morning practice and get light treatment at the same time in the winters
5) Get massage at least once a week

What are five of your bad habits?

1) Procrastinating
2) Staying up too late
3) Being on the computer too much
4) Not returning phone calls and emails
5) Did I mention procrastinating?

What are five places where you have lived?

1) Storgatan
2) Skeppargatan
3) Metargatan
4) Södermannagatan
5) Fridhemsgatan
(for those of you who can't read the above words, they are names of streets where I have lived, all of them in the center of Stockholm. This girl obviously doesn't move around a lot ;-)

What are five jobs you’ve had?

1) Factotum at a fashion company
2) Shop assistant in an H&M store
3) Assisting photographer
4) Project manager
5) Educational developer

This is hard, there are so many I'd like to know more about, but these are the five people I tag:
1) Annabella
2) Alfia
3) Carl
4) Eeyore
5) Joy Suzanne
If you do the meme, please leave a comment so I can come read it! I'd love it if you want to share :)


Anonymous said...


I love your day today, too!

Gosh, it would be so nice if we lived closer. We like all the same snacks... ; )

I am excited to have been tagged! Will probably work on it tonight and post it tomorrow, but will let you know! YAY!

eeyore said...

i love reading your answers, what a great meme, and my first ever, thanks chitta! i would be SO lost in stockholm, what wonderfully impenetrable names! and i want to be a factotum, too!(i've always wondered what that is?)

Carl said...

Who is Bumblebee?

Anonymous said...

I would be very lost in Stockholm. But the Swedish are so lovely we could ask directions everywhere and people would tell us where to go...

eeyore said...

let's go to stockholm! you be fanny, i'll be alexander, or something.

chitta vritti said...

oh, you'd be lovely as fanny and alexander :) i LOVE it that you know of them! have you seen the movie? it actually takes place in Uppsala, but what the heck! if you'd come i promise to give you good directions.

factotum was a very fun and educational job! merriam-webster says: literally "do everything" and "a person having many diverse activities or responsibilities"

Carl, and i thought you were such an observant reader... ;-) Bumblebee is my niece!

chitta vritti said...

Anna, i'm so looking forward to reading your meme! wish we lived closer! we could stuff our faces with all those snacks :)

eeyore said...

i do love fanny & alexander, but persona is my favorite movie of all time. uppsala? i want to go there, too!

eeyore said...

i found it, too bad, i'm too old:)


Anonymous said...

I memed! I memed!

Anonymous said...

Oh Eeyore that is hilarious. Whatever, you are most handsome of donkeys, just lie about your age.

chitta vritti said...

YAY! i'm heading over right now (just need to grab something to eat, it's passed my lunch time!) i'm so excited :)

chitta vritti said...

Eeyore, that IS hilarious! we'll go to uppsala too, it's not far away.

persona is fantastic! f & a is my favorite, though, and i also love the seventh seal.

alfia said...

I memed too! Thank you, CV! :)

I would not be only lost in Stockholm, I would never be found. Seriously! I have trouble remembering the Elm street, leave alone all those names you listed. I am not traveling there alone!

ashtanga en cevennes said...

This meme has some interesting questions, ok! I'll get right on it. ;)

eeyore said...

i'll watch seventh seal again, it's been so long since i saw it. if liv ullman is there, i'm good. alfia, elm is like a big time street in dc! but then i'd freeze to death in st. petersberg, before finding any street!

alfia said...

The last time I visited my home town, I was not able to find anything! Since Kazakhstan went independent, they renamed all streets. OK, I understand they had to rename Lenin's prospect or the Communist avenue, but all of them? And they gave the streets the names of some obscure Kazakh heroes nobody new which are long and hard to pronounce, like Kabanbai Batur st.,Nauryzbat Batyr St, etc. Ugh!

susananda said...

Hello! That is a very beautiful house. Is that the one you had to sell that belonged to your grandmother?

I will go to Stockholm one day. I've been to Oslo, which was like a beautiful little fairy tale town, and Copenhagen, which was lively and fun, even though I had to survive on a packet of digestive biscuits for two days. But I haven't been to Sweden yet and must definitely go. In the summer :)

Anna has tagged me. I will meme tomorrow..

chitta vritti said...

oh, hi everyone! have i missed the party?

Alfia and Joy Suzanne, how exciting! i'll be over in a sec :)

yes Susananda, that's my grandmothers house. very special, very magic...
you must come to stockholm sometime, in the summer! i've never been to oslo, but copenhagen is very nice. why did you only have a pack of digestives to survive on???

sthlm is a small city, none of you will be lost (or not to be found)! i'll take care of you :)

Eeyore, i'm sorry, no Liv Ullman in that one... it's a very old movie, i think she might only have been a teenager when it was made. but Bibi Andersson and Max von Sydow is there, though!

eeyore said...

ah, bibi is way cool, max, too. i also wondered if that was her house. it's so lovely. i see why you'd want to keep it in your family.

chitta vritti said...

yes, very sad to have to give it up... i spent all my childhood summers there. the attic was perfect for hiding :)

hey, you could buy it and start the ranch commune there and we could all do mysore in the salon!

eeyore said...

now all that's left to do is become a billionaire. maybe meeting in paris first:)

chitta vritti said...

oups, forgot about that! yes, paris first :)

susananda said...

It wasn't Copenhagen's fault I was starving.. it was the last stop on my european tour, I'd run out of cash, was heading back to England next where my brother was visiting and had a little money for me. Had to hitchhike from Harwich up to Nottingham to get it though! That was 20 years ago, give or take a month or two...

chitta vritti said...

i see just what you mean! and you would actually SURVIVE on basically no food (and no sleep)! those were the days ;-)

Yogamum said...

Oh, I want some cheese with fig marmalade RIGHT NOW!

Thanks for playing!

chitta vritti said...

hi Yogamum, nice to see you! and thank YOU for tagging me, even though unknowingly :) it was fun to do it!

chitta vritti said...

Eeyore, remember the viperous priest in fanny & alexander? i was just on the same bus with him! he's an old, old man now and a very dear one i'd say. i think that part is probably one of the most vicious he's ever done, but he did it well, don't you think?

elianepf said...


I found your blog while searching for photos of Balderup. I became curious to know why you posted a photo of Balderup?

chitta vritti said...

hi elianepf!
...and i become curious about why you were searching for photos of Balderup ;)

elianepf said...

I spent some time there as a child. My mother grew up there.

elianepf said...

A Wonderful place. I visited about six years ago. But what about you, what is your relationship with Balderup. Could this be the house of your grandmother that you would like buy back ? If yes, then we are both lucky to have lived there for a while :)

elianepf said...

Hey chitta nirodha,
As you ignored my comment I can only assume that yoga makes people think they are very special when they are just trivial.
That's why some yogis believe that yamas & nyamas should come first. Stillness and clarity of mind results in good willingness. No siddhis for you, my dear.

chitta vritti said...

dear elianpf,
i'm very sorry that my not responding immediately made you assume that i ignored your comments… if you looked around this blog you may have noticed that there are no posts since almost four years back. i stopped blogging because i have a trivial, yet very busy life and could not keep up the writing. i hardly ever visit the blog anymore and it was just a lucky coincidence that i saw your first comment so soon after you left it.

yes Balderup was my grandmothers house :) a lot has changed in the house and garden since the time she owned it, but i'm sure it still has some of the magic i felt there as a child. my grandmother had the house from the late 50's till early 90's. if your mother grew up there, it makes me think she must've been there during that time, no?