31 May 2008


Dear friends and readers, not much news at Chitta's place this last week... Not that there hasn't been anything to write about, things have just been CRAZY at work, like it always is this time of year - a never ending foot race. I've been on this job for six years now and I KNOW this is how it's going to be, and still I'm not in charge to plan so that it isn't. It's like a quarter of my work in one year is supposed to be done in the end of May and beginning of June, something I clearly can't change...

To go on about work, I also have a bit of a situation that goes much deeper than just having tons of stuff to get done with. It's kinda messy and I'm trying to sort things out to find out for myself how to handle it. Been seeing a councilor at my company health care centre to discuss things I can't really talk about with colleagues, at least not yet... I'll probably get back on this when things are clearer to me.

Practice has ben so and so. Or I should say, practice is good WHEN it happens. I still have a really hard time changing from practicing in the evenings (which I mostly do in the winters because of my SAD that needs to be treated with light therapy in the mornings) to morning practice.

Anyway, yesterday I went to Mercery's shala to practice with Gabi Pascoli who is visiting this week and next. What a fantastic teacher she is! She immediately spotted what is the problem with my left shoulder. She says it has a forward rotation, compared to the right. She gave me lots of good pointers and things to work on that of course has to do with strengthening muscles in the back, especially latissimus dorsi and the lower trapezius. I need to activate these muscles in far more poses then I'm right now. My notion that the collar bones and the chest needs to open seemed to be correct, with the addition that it's to be done by strengthening back and core. Oh, I'll try to see her again one morning next week!

Another wonderful thing about yesterday was that I got to practice beside Mercury and across the room from Morning Star! Rock'n Roll Boy and Eve was there too, but finishing up as we started so we got to chat a bit :) It was indeed a dripping practice. Had to wipe the floor around my mat a few times and we had to open the windows and keep them open if we were not to get cooked. After practice I had to rush of to work. Nevertheless I took the time to stay for some coffee with the girls at the nearby coffee place. It was so nice to get to talk a little and getting to know a bit more of Gabi! And Morning Star is the brightest shining star in the universe!

Last night we had "girls dinner" at Grace and Che's place. Since Che wasn't up to anything and The Ed was coming, Che and Muzzy joined us too! Someone said they are her Favorite Girls ;-) Hehe, this is not the first time we are having "girls dinner" with them present! I think they blend in nicely, and if we are having too much girls talk (like about the poverty in India!) they get on the computer and do some programming or discuss the current state of the computer business. It was a very nice evening and I know that Grace really enjoyed cooking in their new kitchen. Got home pretty late though... When I walked over the bridge to get home I noticed that the temperature was still 14 degrees and it was like 1.30 in the morning!

Today is Stockholm Marathon. The city will be closed off in a lot of places, making it impossible to move around, so I'll probably just stick around the house and chill out. They seem to have rerouted the course this year, but runners will still pass twice just a few blocks from where I live and maybe I'll go watch and cheer for them at some point. It's a bit cloudy, which is probably good for the poor runners, but it's still really warm and I think we'll hit at least 25 degrees today. I'm ok with that :) we'll see if they are!


Anonymous said...

ooo! ooo! which one is you?

I love the marathon. Except I get secretly competitive and wish I was running it!

Happy Sunday!
: )

V said...

Why did I only find your blog now! Man, I'm slow! Anyway, I'm glad I did :-D

chitta vritti said...

ha, you wish, Anna ;-) i'd never, ever sign up for that race! i hate running and i hate competing... it's fun to watch though :) i have a friend who's been running for several years, not this year though, and i always go and cheer for him. funny, i thought of him yesterday because of the race - and then he called me :) mercury in retrograde you said?

Vanessa, nice to see you, welcome :) don't worry, i'm slow too! some of my friends call me 'the flash' ;-)

chitta vritti said...

oh, Anna, i just read again what you wrote and i realize you meant which one is me in the second pic, right? none is me, to the left is Gabi and to the right is Morning Star! i'm a redhead, remember :)

eeyore said...

where are all the naked runners like here in sf? all least we don't have nude mysore, yet.

susananda said...

Hello! I think the people who run marathons are completely nuts. I can't believe how many people I know who do it..

And thank you for the lilac pic. I wish there were more around here, the smell is just divine. I saw some the other day and had to stop and plunge my head into the poor tree. It's true about it not working as a perfume though. Lily of the valley is much better..

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, of course red hair!

Um, yes, Mercury in retrograde. I just heard from a guy I went out with for about 6 weeks in early 2005... I always laugh.

Susananda, have you ever tried the Penhaligon's Lily and Spice?

susananda said...

Anna - I have! But I've never bought it, just sampled it on the way by and pined for it after. If I passed by Penhaligon's more often, I would surely have some. Must remember..

susananda said...

Oh and you love violet, don't you.. you should go to Toulouse one day, that is their specialty in those parts. You can buy everything violet-scented / flavoured.

Anonymous said...

The Penhaligons by my apartment closed.... I was sad. Am hoping they still carry it at Saks. Sometimes I like to go try things (I have four bottles here, enough to hold me awhile). And also I love their candles...

Mmmm, Toulouse. That sounds wonderful. Violets in abundance!

You guys have all practiced already. It is only 5:33 a.m. here and I am tired.

chitta vritti said...

Eeyore, i've never seen any nekkid runners in the stockholm marathon... weird outfits, yes, but no bare bums. you go to naked yoga, right?

lily of the valley! i love that as a perfume :) i didn't know you love violets, Anna?

wuaaaa! i didn't practice this morning! (sadly because i missed this weeks Morning Star spot...) woke up with stiffness in the back of my neck and between shoulder blades that didn't feel all that good. maybe if i'd gone it would've gone away?

have a good day everyone!

eeyore said...

chitta, i think about it but haven't ever gone. i think i'd need someone to go with, to sort of hold my paw.

anna, it closed? penhaligons next door to the store selling french pyjamas, not too far from the carlyle? sadness.

Anonymous said...

Yes yes, not far from Carlyle, neighborhood institution, gone. I am guessing it was a rent thing. Must see if they sell in Saks but even if they do, is NOT the same thing. Mewish!

Eeyore we would hold your paws, one of us on each side.

chitta vritti said...

Eeyore, i would definitely need a paw to hold if i were ever to go to naked yoga! Anna is right, we can hold paws all of us!

roar! meow!

(can i say that?)

Anonymous said...

Yes you can! : )

eeyore said...

the only good woozles, smudgewoozles and nudewoozles. we can do it.