09 May 2008

And the story continues...

Ha! My tooth problem was in fact not better at all!!! I decided to go home early from the conference to be able to see my dentist before the weekend. Turns out that was a very good decision. Even though I this morning had less pain then the past days, it still hurt when chewing and eating. From my description of the change and character of the ache, dentist decided to open the tooth she has been suspecting all along, despite my claim it FELT like the one next to it. When she could finally see the dental pulp everything was clear. No shred of life in that tooth and that was it, nothing else to do than a root-filling. Of course there is also an infection that probably turned loose after my last visit and now has spread to the jaw. No wonder I was in such pain!

So, I need to take penicillin for ten days and since the pain probably wont get any better for a few days I'm also on both ibuprofen and papacetamol. Having to take all that AND the shit for the onychomycosis (sorry Carl!) makes me feel like a walking pharmacy! I have absolutely no idea if or how taking all those drugs affects my practice. However the thought of stuffing my body with chemicals like this is really abhorrent, I'm "soft" this way - I just want all the pain and germs to disappear, fast! I hope it doesn't mean I'm putting myself in any danger since I WILL do yoga anyway??!! Tomorrow morning is mysore with Petri and I'm not going to skip it for this, unless anyone says I ABSOLUTELY should!

My biggest problem right now is that I haven't had a decent meal for three days and I'm really hungry and running out of energy. I need to make myself some soup that doesn't need lots of chewing. I'm thinking spinach soup and boiled eggs?

Anyway, besides all the drama - IT'S A GLORIOUS DAY! I don't have an outdoors thermometer, but I can tell it's at least 68 degrees and even warmer in the sun. It was just such a fantastic feeling to step out of the train station at lunch time and see the streets swarming with people. All dressed like it's already summer. Sitting and strolling all over the place, in parks, outside coffee shops and restaurants.

I LOVE this city this time of year!


LI Ashtangini said...

Toothaches are NO FUN! What is onychomycosis???? I guess I could look it up, huh?

chitta vritti said...

nail fungus :(