10 May 2008

Saturday Euphoria

What a fantastic day this is - it's like summer is already here! And I'm sooooo grateful to Cranky and Anna for encouraging me not to drop out from this weekends workshop with Petri. Despite a slight dizziness (from not eating properly for the past days?) I had a lovely practice this morning :)))) The room was warm and cozy which brought out buckets of sweat. I was already pouring in sun sals and you could literally wring my clothes out when I finished!

I thought of Carl's post on Dynamics Versus Precision and focused on just going with the motions. Indeed that post was a good reminder for me, specially today. I used to force myself pretty hard whenever practicing with a new teacher or someone I wasn't so used to practicing with. Guess wanting to perform and need for approval is the driving force involved here? Anyway, I'm working hard to let go of all that and NOT having to perform in this kind of setting. After the past days of feeling poorly, just following my breathe wherever it was taking me really made me feel so good today :)

Magic and fairy dust!


crankyhausfrau said...

yay! it is so nice that this online community can bring support and encouragement and reflection!
i am so glad you had a good practice!

Anonymous said...

Oh, magic and fairy dust indeed! I too am so glad you had a great experience! Smiling across the ocean for you.


chitta vritti said...

yay indeed! i can feel your smile Anna! anyone who says this online thingy isn't for real, clearly don't know what they're talking about!