04 May 2008

Sweet Sunday

What a beautiful day! Almost eight hours of sleep, lovely temperature, birds twittering and morning practice at Morning Stars shala :) Must be that it's getting warmer outside - I worked up a good sweat today, which of course helped a lot! Didn't feel all that stiffness and I practiced all the way up to navasana. Working a lot with relaxing shoulders and neck. I get the feeling that I need to re-learn a lot of very basic movements in order to really lower my shoulders and not put stress on the neck. Morning Star argues that it's not a question of re-learning, but rather to open joints and muscles in a body that has been hooky and contracted for half a lifetime. Oh, I guess she's right! But still, yoga IS a constant learning process. The body changes and the premises are different from one day to another. The moment I think I know something about something I have to re-conceptualize! Need to remind myself that is what it's all about.


(0v0) said...

oooh, look at you... you're blogging away!

seems to be good for your practice.

a question--maybe a mantra--for your trapezius:

do i need it?

lots of times, we are raising the shoulders with all our might, flexing those trapezius muscles, but why? often, we don't need the trapezius. we can let it rest.

happy moon to you.

chitta vritti said...

good morning Owl!

that is such a good question! it's really supraspinatus and levator scapulae that are my main issues, but trapezius are definitely involved as well. at least for me, there are so many things going on in the subconscious that makes those muscles twitch and cramp. a mantra like that could possibly help me bring it to a conscious level, right?

and yes, blogging as well as cyber shala seems good for my practice. even though i'm a rookie here i already feel a great support and connection :) thank you!

happy moon day to you too!